Two Ways to Prepare for the Removal of Your Tree


Here are two ways to prepare for removing a tree. Move your portable outdoor items and protect your non-portable items Tree removal is a messy process that will lead to heavy branches falling off the tree as the arborist saws them off before taking down the trunk. Even if the tree is not in the immediate vicinity of any other objects, it's important to keep in mind that the wind speed and direction on removal day could result in its branches being blown farther than you might expect.

22 September 2021

4 Reasons to Hire an Arborist to Assess Your Large, Mature Tree


A large tree can appear majestic and powerful in an urban environment. But even large trees may have weaknesses. These weaknesses can lead to branch failure, leaf die off and even the death of an entire tree. Unless you know what to look for, you won't know how to assess the health of your large tree. But if a large tree drops a branch, dies or uproots and falls over, the results could catastrophic for the surrounding area.

17 March 2021