Some Tips for Safely Felling a Tree


Many homeowners find that the cost of hiring a tree specialist to remove their tree is prohibitive. However, the cost reflects the amount of work needed, as well as ensuring things like liability insurance is in place. It is not impossible to fell a tree without hiring a specialist, and this article looks at some great tips to help you to do this.

Use The Correct Equipment

You should never take a trivial or leisurely attitude when felling a tree. Also, some financial investment will be required, unless you have experience of cutting down trees, and have amassed all the correct equipment. Some of the most important things you will need include:

  • Kelvar chaps that go over the trousers to protect you in the event that the blade touched your clothing
  • A logger's helmet, as this will not only protect your head should a branch fall onto you, but it is fitted with a face screen, protecting you from ejecting chunks of wood. A good quality logger's helmet will also have earmuffs fitted to protect your hearing.
  • A good quality, well maintained chainsaw
  • Plastic wedges that can be inserted into the cut made into a tree, so it influences the fall direction. These wedges are vital, and can be purchased from stores that sell chainsaws.

Understand The Notch

A notch is the V shaped chunk of tree that is removed before the felling cut is administered. As a general rule, the notch should penetrate the tree to around one fifth of the diameter of the trunk. The lower angle of the notch should be around half the angle of the upper cut. For example, if you cut the lower part of the V at around thirty degrees, make sure that the top cut is around sixty degrees. Assess the tree trunk, and where it should fall, to decide where to begin cutting the notch.

Have A Lookout

It is a great idea to have another person stand behind you as you work on the tree. This means that not only can they assess when the tree begins to lean, but they can alert you to it, in case you have not noticed. Have them stand behind you with a stick, and tap you on the back or shoulder as soon as the tree begins to lean. Then, both should walk along the pre-defined escape route to allow the tree to come down safely.

Never turn your back to a tree that is leaning, or in the process of falling. Having another person there will encourage you both to not take any risks while working on the tree.

For more information, check out companies such as Adelaide Tree Felling Services.


17 April 2015

Using Your Trees for Fun, Form and Function

Hi, my name is Christine. As a lifelong lover of the Shel Silverstein book "The Giving Tree," I have always been interested in the many different relationships one can have with a tree. I own a relatively large property with several trees, and I have worked hard to make those trees an essential part of my life. Some of my trees provide me with food, others provide me with energy-efficient shade that reduces my air conditioning bill and others create recreation opportunities for my kids in the form of treehouses or swings attached to the trees. Still other trees boost my property values just by being beautiful. If you want ideas about using your trees for fun, form and function, please explore this blog.