Some Eco-Friendly Tree Removal Processes to Discuss With Your Contractor


Removing a tree from your property can impact the local environment more than you might think; trees hold moisture in the soil and provide shade so that other vegetation and your lawn don't get scorched by the sun. They also help to hold soil in place so there is less risk of soil erosion on your property. When you do need to have a tree removed, however, you might discuss some processes with your contractor that are more eco-friendly and which will result in less environmental impact overall.

Using a laser cutter

Chainsaws are commonly used to remove large branches and the tree trunk itself, but chainsaws release emissions and fumes just like a car engine. A laser cutter uses a laser that you aim at the tree from the ground, and it cuts through branches just as easily. This type of tool may require some skill to use but note that lasers don't create fumes, emissions, heat, and any other pollutants that might harm the environment.

Cutting the roots

If you're removing the tree stump completely, this can mean pulling up the roots of the tree as well. This often means displacing a large amount of soil so that it might dry out. If you can have the roots cut, they can then simply decompose in the ground. This would mean less digging and less soil disturbance overall.

Recycling the wood

Unless the wood is diseased and decayed, it can typically be recycled and reused. You can have healthy limbs and the trunk chipped for use as mulch, or larger branches might be salvaged to be cut for firewood or wood planks for construction. If you don't want to chip the wood and keep it yourself for mulch, ask your contractor about how they would recycle and salvage the wood.


Since the tree provides so much moisture retention in the soil and shade for other vegetation, you may want to discuss your options for replanting in its place. If the tree died away because it wasn't native to your area, a new, native tree might be planted. You might also plan landscaping in the area with shrubbery that also protects the soil. New turf can cover the ground and protect your property from soil erosion. You might work with a landscape professional or arborist to find replacements for your old tree that will keep the soil healthy and protect the environment once your tree is removed.


9 June 2016

Using Your Trees for Fun, Form and Function

Hi, my name is Christine. As a lifelong lover of the Shel Silverstein book "The Giving Tree," I have always been interested in the many different relationships one can have with a tree. I own a relatively large property with several trees, and I have worked hard to make those trees an essential part of my life. Some of my trees provide me with food, others provide me with energy-efficient shade that reduces my air conditioning bill and others create recreation opportunities for my kids in the form of treehouses or swings attached to the trees. Still other trees boost my property values just by being beautiful. If you want ideas about using your trees for fun, form and function, please explore this blog.